von Mona Theresa | Apr. 16, 2020 | English
It helped me a lot to understand, how life works: that we are only here for a certain amount of time and it is all more or less only an illusion. If this helps you, you can see it as a game. With every lesson learned, we rise up and get to the next level. But every...
von Mona Theresa | Apr. 1, 2020 | English
3 Simple Facts That Help You Understand Why You Should Focus On Yourself 1. Nothing others do is because of you. Sometimes we assume people are focused on us, might talk about us or have a strong opinion of us. But that’s actually not true… Most of the time what...
von Mona Theresa | Apr. 1, 2020 | English
And how you can empower others in this uncertain time In times like these the majority of people find it hard to impossible to focus on the positive. How to be happy and in a good, uplifting mood while the old world and its paradigms are collapsing around us? How to...
von Mona Theresa | Juli 28, 2019 | English
3 Steps, which help you to eliminate this issue from your life Do you sometimes wake up in the morning, feeling anxious, completely stressed out although the day hasn’t even started yet? You are worried about 1001 things that need to get done, things that seem...