3 Simple Facts That Help You Understand Why You Should Focus On Yourself
Nothing others do is because of you. Sometimes we assume people are focused on us, might talk about us or have a strong opinion of us. But that’s actually not true… Most of the time what we think others think about us bothers us more and we’re caught up in this loop of reflection how others see us. We believe they think in a certain way about us, but we make it up in our heads. Sometimes we even get mad or feel offended, while they probably don’t even bother. It’s funny, cause then we are mad not because of what they think, but because of what we created in our mind to be true. In reality, they might not even care. So be aware of your own thoughts and stop worrying so much.
What others say and do is a projection of their own reality. And that’s true 100%! Just observe people for a little bit. What’s not in their realm of possibilities or thoughts, they will never talk about. However, What is, they will point out. In negative and positive ways. If someone tells you, you’re a beautiful soul, then because they themselves are a beautiful soul. When someone calls you stupid, well… you know what I want to say, right?:)
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. Makes sense, correct? So start trusting yourself, your feelings and thoughts and opinions, speak your truth, always speak in truth and live an authentic Life. You’re your best friend, you have to hang out with yourself for the rest of your life, so start creating a beautiful, loving, caring relationship with yourself and don’t spend so much energy on what others think of you.
YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL SOUL, worth of everything you’re dreaming of. Believe in yourself and stand up for yourself ❤️
Much love, Mona